Thursday, March 18, 2010

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Ususally when people think of virtual reality they think of games first. Yes, games, which include MMORPGs, do account for a big chunk of a virtual world but it is not only about games. There are different other ways virtual worlds can be used.
First, there are community-focused virtual worlds that are used for socializing rather than for gaming, like (not available now) described in the article "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life". Participants create their personal space (home or apartment) and take part in different events and activities.
Second, virtual worlds can be used for educational purposes. For example, Mokitown educates children about road and traffic safety in an entertaining manner. Virtual libraries, art galleries, museums, tutorials, meeting spaces- all serve educational purposes.
Also, I have read somewhere that virtual worlds are used in Army for training simulations.
Most virtual worlds allow users to alter, create, and build something which fosters creativity. Another good thing about virtual worlds is that they connect people who otherwise would never meet in real life. They allow people to have what they can not have in real life: better appearance, better clothes, homes, opportunity to travel around the world, etc. People with disabilities can freely socialize, have many friends , find information and support due to virtual words as described in the article "iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction".
Among the cons are abuse of the service, predators, safety, privacy and security (spam, viruses, etc.) issues.
As for the future of virtual words, I think more people and more businesses will be involved. May be there are benefits that are not explored yet...


  1. Using virtual worlds for educational purposes and helping people with disabilities definitely has positive and productive outcomes. But I think people who aren't learning anything from their participation in a virtual world are wasting their time. Although it might seem to them like what they are doing is important, in reality they are just creating a fake (virtual) image of themselves that reflects what they want to become. The fact that a person can create, build, and alter their virtual world makes them feel powerful, but I think it eventually has a negative impact on their real world because they get so carried away with the fake one.

  2. Yes i have also read how army uses virtual world for training purpose but i guess nothing is compare to what you can get at first hand experience. Also there are a lot of abusive behavior on virtual world which is something that they should think about and how to control it. virtual world is great for businesses as well.
